Monday, August 9, 2010

Job Hunting and the Economy

I've been trying to find a job, and in this economy, it's been hard.

I'm not here to criticize potential employers or anything like that.

For me, I don't understand a lot of the hiring process. I don't understand how I'm too qualified for a position, when I would gladly take a lower pay. But, I still don't get a job. Also, in my job hunting, there are some jobs that pay far too much for what they are, and I feel like that is one of the major problems in America currently.

You can have an individual with a GED, working at a factory, and their only job is to tighten a certain bolt when the part gets to their position in the assembly line. Yet, they'll get at least $15 an hour. I worked at Amazon for one Christmas season for some extra money, and I got $13.50 to push a cart and put books and/or c.d.s on a shelf for 8 hours a day. It wasn't more than a $7.50 (and that's being generous) type of work, yet because I worked an earlier shift than most people, I got to have a higher pay.

It's not that I'm on some rail against the current system of employment out of anger, it's just simply something I feel that is frustrating to all individuals who are qualified and looking for a job. I'm not asking for a free job (although I wouldn't turn it down, haha) but I just think that most individuals in a position of employers to think about who you're hiring, and try and make a long term judgment.